Monday, June 15, 2009

A Proud Walk Home

When Joanna was home, Karissa had 1 request.."Jo can you pick me up from school?" Maybe she had 2 request, I wanna say the next thing she said was more of a demand! "but when you come get me you have to have your uniform on!" I found these pictures today I didn't know Jo's friend had taken them. Jo said it was pretty cool watching the children stare at her and asking her if she was a real solider. She didn't have to say anything, because I know Karissa was proud to show off her "big sister" on that walk home.

1 comment:

Mary Ann Jenkins said...

She did look good in her uniform!
I was just thinking about our 'lil Jo Jo this morning when I heard "her" song on the radio.

I need to send her a letter soon.